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The aim of this WiKoDa was to empower scientific communication. WiKoDa is an acronym in German and stands for WissenschaftsKommunikationsDashboard (a dashboard for science communication). Many scientists learn skills to communicate within their scientific community, but thereby unlearn the language and platforms to reach audiences outside their community. If scientists are willing to open their communication spheres, then finding a medium and the appropriate language should be, at best, as little effort as possible. Our approach is to scan the media landscape for the chosen research topics and prepare them for researchers in a way that they know which of their research topics are currently being discussed by society. With this knowledge, researchers can find media with specific thematic focuses and use this for targeted and appropriate science communication. The underlying assumption is that scientists might get an easier entry point for the communication about their research process or results when they know about the pervasion of their research interests in society.

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Contact Person

Jan Bernoth

Email: jan.bernoth@uni-potsdam.de